Seminario Dottorato in Scienze politiche “Using survey data to build contextual indicators” – 14 dicembre 2018

Venerdì 14 dicembre alle ore 10.30, presso la Sala Seminari del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche (via Serafini 3), si terrà il seminario “Using survey data to build contextual indicators“.


Statistical techniques to investigate contextual effects, such as multilevel modeling, have become increasingly more popular in social and political science. However, context level data are not always available and sometimes need to be derived from micro data, such as responses to surveys. A common practice, for instance, is to average the survey answers given by respondents within a certain region. In this talk I will address some of the problems of this approach. In particular I will focus on measurement error, coverage error and the violation of some regression assumptions. I will also briefly present some innovative techniques that can be used to easily overcome some of these problems and allow researchers to use survey data to build contextual indicators.

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