International workshop on grounded theory and qualitative research in the european symbolic interactionist tradition

Il Workshop, realizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, dalla Scuola di dottorato in Scienze politiche dell’Università di Pisa e dall’European Board of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction si terrà il prossimo 8 marzo 2018, presso la Conference Room de Le Benedettine (Lungarno Sonnino 19, Pisa). Si allega la locandina.

Questo il programma:

Morning Session

h 9,30 Welcome speeches

Alessandro Balestrino – Head of Department of Political Sciences – University of Pisa

Elena Dundovich – Director of PhD School in Political Sciences – University of Pisa

h 9,45 Keynote speeches

Tony Bryant – Leeds Beckett University

The Really Very Curious Incident of the Grounded Theory Method: Continual Permutations of Misunderstandings

Thaddeus Muller, Lancaster University

“Emergence” and “Intuition” in Grounded Theory Building

Krzysztof Konecki – University of Lodz

Classic Grounded Theory – the Latest Version. Interpretation of Classic Grounded Theory as a Meta-Theory for Every Research

Andrea Salvini – University of Pisa

The Role of Sensitizing Concepts in (Constructivist) Grounded Theory. Reflections from a Research Experience

h.12,00 Debate

h 12,30 Light Lunch at Benedettine’s

Afternoon Session

h 14,00 Round Table

Robert Dingwall – Nottingham Trent University

What Counts as Evidence in Qualitative Research?

Emma Engdahl – University of Gothenburg

Making Data into Evidence: the Aim of Theorizing

Gregory Smith – Salford University

Understanding the Grounding of Goffman’s Project: A Conjecture and Two Footnotes

Vessela Misheva – Uppsala University

How We Come to Understand the Other: Colley’s Principle of Sympathetic Introspection.

Irene Psaroudakis – University of Pisa

Evidence and Interpretation in Jane Addams’ Works

h 15,45 Contributions

Andrew BlaskoAbvm Consulting

Anna KacperczycUniversity of Lodz

Michael DellwingUniversity of Kassel

Judita KasperiunieneVytautas Magnus University

h 16,30 End of the Workshop

Conclusion and Farewell by: Andrea Salvini – University of Pisa

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